Born in 2005 Perla has been our most valued female inside the Catalonian pre-Pyrenees colony. She is one of the first females who were liberated in 2007 (to the beginning of the project of reintroduction of the black vulture in the Pyrenees) and she has managed to bring forward  4 chicks!

Perla in a Supplementary Feeding Point (SFP) in Pyrenees of Lleida. © Boumort-Alinyà work-team.

In 2010 she had its first chick, a milestone in the project as the first chick born in the Catalonian pre-Pyrennes colony. But this first chick, baptized with the name of Gala, was only the beginning of a prolific offspring that continued in 2012, 2013 and 2015 with three chicks more. All of them are still part of the colony today.

It was one of her chicks, born in 2012 and with the name of Coma, which in 2015 gave us another great news!. She gave birth to a new  chick, the first chick from the second generation of the pre-Pyrenees colony!

But during June Perla was disappeared, but not before giving us a last gift: a chick with 40 days of age and who  since then would depend exclusively on his single parent (Portell).

Portell is striving to care for and feed the chick, visiting constantly the supplementary feeding  points and trying to be the maximum possible time in the nest to protect it. Currently the chick has more tan 70 days of age!

From the whole team of the project we want to be grateful to Perla for its magnificent behavior during these years and we hope other specimens follow the lead of this magnificent animal!

To learn more about the project, you can visit the section Reintroduction of the black vulture (Aegypius monachus) in the Pyrenees in this same web page.

A black vulture (Aegypius monachus) flying so high that seems to be near to the moon. © Boumort-Alinyà work-team.

Video of Portell taking care about his chick.

The reintroduction project of the Black Vulture in the Pyrenees is promoted by the Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi Natural de la Generalitat de Catalunya and by the Fundació Catalunya – La Pedrera. GREFA and Trenca are involved in the assisment and implementation of the Project, toghether with the staff of the Espai Natura Muntanya d’Alinyà and the NHR of Boumort. Obra Social “La Caixa” (with the support of Generalitat de Catalunya) and REE participate in a remarkable manner to the financing of the project.