Neus, a female already paired that bred in 2013, died last 29 November. Oriol (male paired with Neus) formed a new pair with Pessonada (female that was part of the non-breeding group).
In relation to the colony evolution, throughout the month of November 31 different black vultures have been identified: 27 endogenous individuals (released or born within he framework of the reintroduction programme), 2 exogenous of French originand 2 exogenous of Iberian origin. The three chicks born in 2013 stay in the area and have finished their dependance period; they move around the food sources in the same way the other black vultures do.
Regarding Neus death, necropsy was made in the Vallcalent Wildlife Centre (Lleida). The cause of her death is still unclear; the body had several traumatisms, and samples for analysis have been taken in order to know or discard possible underlying causes. On the other hand, in addition to the new pair of Oriol and Pessonada (that replaces the one formed by Neus and Oriol), another new pair has been formed: Gallarda and Modesto.
Also during the month of November, the Junta de Andalucía gave up 2 black vultures for the reintroduction programme, that will stay at the GREFA’s Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre until moved to the Pre-Pyrenees releasing points in 2014.
The reintroduction project of the Black Vulture in the Pyrenees is promoted by the Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi Natural de la Generalitat de Catalunya and by the Fundació Catalunya – La Pedrera. GREFA and Trenca are involved in the assisment and implementation of the Project, toghether with the staff of the Espai Natura Muntanya d’Alinyà and the rangers of the NHR of Boumort. The Estació Biològica del Pallars Jussà carries out several educational actions related to the project.
For further information on this project, please check the section Reintroduction of the Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus) in the Pyrenees on this website.