The last two chicks for this season of the colony of black vulture (Aegypius monachus) of the Pyrenees have already taken off. These last two chicks are now flying around the Catalonian pre-Pyrenees with other four chicks from the colony in this 2016.
The chick from “Lorena” and “Quasimodo” started flying with 115 days of age, a bit early as usual. This individual is flying not so far from his nest, always with the supervision of his parents. He is gradually realizing longer flights, exploring his new territory inside and in the surroundings of the National Hunting Reserve of Boumort.

An expert technician of Magrama (Spanish Goverment) leave the chick of “Ibex” and “Ares” in the nest after marking him. © Boumort-Alinyà work-team.
The chick of “Ibex” and “Ares” have been the last chick of taken off in this season. With 125 days of ages he was the first chick of this couple in the Catalonian pre-Pyrennes colony. We hope they fiilled us with happiness the next years!
In his first flights , he has to managed to survive from the attacks of a young golden eagle (Aquila Chrysaetos) who has tried to prove his strenght. Fortunately the parents of the chick appeared to resolve the problem.
This is incident is part of a training period of a young black vulture (Aegypius monachus) that will help him to mature and grow.
Amazing year
The year 2016 has been an amazing year to the breeding colony of black vulture (Aegypius monachus) of the Catalonian pre-Pyrenees. Six chicks have been born and flown in this season, a fact without precedents in this kind of projects.
From the beginning, only three chickens had been born each season. These good news are the result of the good condition of the project and the result of a great work done by all the entities. it is important to remember that 18 chickens have been born in the colony from the beginning of the project in the year 2010.
Text: Trenca/Grefa
To learn more about the project, you can visit the section Reintroduction of the black vulture (Aegypius monachus) in the Pyrenees in this same web page.
The reintroduction project of the Black Vulture in the Pyrenees is promoted by the Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi Natural de la Generalitat de Catalunya and by the Fundació Catalunya – La Pedrera. GREFA and Trenca are involved in the assisment and implementation of the Project, toghether with the staff of the Espai Natura Muntanya d’Alinyà and the NHR of Boumort. Obra Social “La Caixa” (with the support of Generalitat de Catalunya) and REE participate in a remarkable manner to the financing of the project.