Cardboard, wires, plastic and glass bottles, chairs, mattresses… were removed from the banks of the Segre river by volunteers.

On Sunday, December 2, 2012, the Segre river clean up project of the Trenca Association was completed. It had been selected for the call “We want to help our natural areas” organized by the chain of supermarkets Plusfresc in collaboration with the IPCENA Association.

The aim of the proposal was to get a social action to clean and recover different points of the Segre river where illegal dumpings have been detected or a large number of waste materials were found on. In order to achieve this aim, we did a call for volunteers to help clean up the several proposed sites. We were 87 people in all. Through this action we also aim to raise the awareness of the civil society on the problems related to illegal waste dumpings on such a sensitive area as a river.

A breakfast was offered at Rufea wetlands to volunteers who responded to the call (it was bought at PLUS supermarkets in Lleida). Besides, a Red Kite rehabilitated at the Willife Rehablitation Centre of Vallcalent was released  -he flew with no problems-  and all participants received a wetlands fauna and flora guide as well as the story of Bavar and Kiwi, the most famous bears in Lleida.