Observació de rapinyaires necròfags menjant al PAS de Siall, el Dia Internacional del Voltors (1 de setembre de 2013). © Trenca

Watching scavenger raptors at the SFP of Siall, on the International Vulture Awareness Day (1 September 2013). © Trenca 

This month the social base of Trenca has increased to more than 550 friends. They are (we are) people with a particular concern on the objectives and the works carried out by the association.



Trenca’s history has had very different stages since it was set up in 1998. In the early years we developed an intense educational activity with the Vallcalent Wildlife Centre, which involved a lot of children friends mainly related to the educational project Fauna and Habitat. As time went on and Trenca evolved to new lines and projects on natural environment management and conservation, about 2008 also a new stage started as regards the friends of the Association.

Vols veure els ocells del riu per les ulleres de llarga vista? © Lluís Culleré

Would you like to watch the birds of the river through the telescope? © Lluís Culleré 


A good handful of people –now, mostly adults– have become increasingly interested in Trenca at this stage. Little by little they became friends of the entity, and they increased to more than 550 in this same month of April. Besides, Trenca’s Facebook has got more than 700 followers.



Amb companys de Km0 i d’IPCENA i amb un grup de voluntaris, fent neteja d’escombraries a l’espai natural d’Alfés, un dels punts del recorregut de la 6ª Marxa Popular del Segrià. © XATRACfilms

With Km0 and IPCENA colleagues and a group of volunteers, removing litter from the Alfés natural area, a point in the itineray of the 6th Marxa Popular del Segrià (Segrià Popular March). © XATRACfilms 

When becoming a Trenca’s friend, there are two possibilities: friend (which is free) and collaborative friend (who contribute with a yearly fee of 20 €). Both friends and collaborative friends receive the electronic newsletter from Trenca or notes with collaboration requests or activities where they can participate. This social base enpowers the entity. For further information, or for making a new friend for Trenca, please check the section Trenca’s friends on this website.